Site update – May 2024

Things should be fairly complete now!

I’ve now uploaded/written all of the revision materials for all parts of the course with the exception of 2.2 – Programming. The reason this section is missing is that the internet is awash with programming resources, every school uses different languages, styles of teaching and so forth. Therefore, the only generic, one size fits all approach is the use of the OCR Reference Language (or pseudo code) and this is exactly what I’ve done in the Unit 2 lessons on this – so have a look at the actual lessons if you need to know about the various programming techniques covered in the course.

Talking of lessons, I’ve now updated and re-uploaded all of the lessons, they are now available here and will be updated when and if I make sizeable changes to them.

I’ve also updated the GCSE Business lessons, these have seen some quite sizeable changes since the last time I shared those so they should be of use to someone who is setting up the OCR Business GCSE for the first time. They can be found here.

That’s it for the time being – there’s not much else to be uploaded or added in the near future unless, of course, OCR decide to change the specification, in which case I’ll change and amend as necessary. I may also add some further programming resources as time goes on.

If you do have any comments, queries, suggestions or requests then of course please do fill in the contact form and I’ll get back to you.